Partnership Building Declaration

We have declared that we will focus on the following items in order to build new partnerships by promoting cooperation and coexistence and co-prosperity with business partners in the supply chain and businesses that create value. increase.

  • Coexistence and co-prosperity of the entire supply chain and new collaboration beyond scales and affiliations

By reaching out to future business partners through direct business partners (from " Tier N " to " Tier N+1 "), we will work to improve the added value of the entire supply chain, as well as improve existing business relationships and corporate scale. We aim to build a coexistence and co-prosperity with our business partners through cross-border cooperation. At that time, from the perspective of business continuity and work style reform in the event of a disaster, we will also promote support such as advice on the introduction of telework and BCP (Business Continuity Plan) formulation for business partners.

(individual item)

〇Promote operational efficiency through information sharing and visualization of the entire supply chain.

  • Observance of “promotion standards”

Observe the desirable business practices between the parent business operator and subcontractors (“promotion standards” based on the Subcontracting and Small and Medium Enterprise Promotion Act), and actively correct business practices and business practices that hinder the building of partnerships with business partners. I will work on it.

①Price determination method

We will not make unreasonable requests for cost reduction. When determining the transaction value, if a subcontractor requests for consultation, we will respond to the consultation and fully discuss it so that it includes the appropriate profit of the subcontractor, such as considering the impact of the increase in labor costs. . When making a contract, including the determination of transaction consideration, the parent company will clearly state and deliver the contract terms in writing.

(2) Payment terms such as bills

Subcontracting payments are made in cash as much as possible, and bills are not used as a general rule. We also try to keep payment sites within 60 days.

(3) Intellectual property and know-how

Conduct transactions based on intellectual property transaction guidelines and contract templates, and request the conclusion of unilateral non-disclosure agreements, disclosure of know-how using a transactional position, and free transfer of intellectual property rights. not.

(4) Harm caused by work style reforms, etc.

To ensure that our business partners can also respond to work style reforms, we will not place short-term orders or make sudden changes in specifications to subcontractors that do not entail an appropriate cost burden. In the event of a disaster, etc., we will not impose a unilateral burden on the subcontractor in terms of transactions, and we will consider the continuation of business relationships as much as possible when business resumes.

Declaration date: December 1, 2022